Sunday, September 14, 2008


was really fun for me. I haven't done that in so long. I hate feeling drained though. I never get depressed, or "depressed". I can't believe I used to do that so often. I must have gotten so used to feeling drained, that it didn't even matter. Weird.

Pictures, later? I haven't slept in 2 days. Work today was the most terrible thing. I couldn't even take peoples orders because I fell asleep waiting for them to decide what smoothie they wanted. Lol. I fell asleep from 7pm-10pm though. Finally. Goodnight.


Timmy said...

Oooh, so how'd you like Nocturnal? I'd be super tired too if I had to go back to work the next freakin morning.

You should go to the fair on Wednesdays. If you go to McDonalds and get a coupon, you can get in for twenty bucks, but you get a wristband to ride all the rides for free. And then barf afterwards.

Rosana said...
