Saturday, December 27, 2008


I've recently discovered that there are a few things in my life that I actually MIGHT
regret. I really don't regret a lot of the things I do. Most of the time, I know what
I am doing. Wrong or right. I'm never really in denial. I understand that some of the
things I do come with consequences, and I accept that.

Sometimes I just think about everything I've done, and wonder if I knew better, would
I do it anyway? I guess you could call me rebellious. I do what I want. Wrong or
right. Recently, I've been being good. I've been doing the right thing. It's amazing
how much we've all changed. The things we want, our goals, completely turned around.

This isn't my depression speaking, but I always think about how many people and lives
I have impacted. I'm not sure how many I've impacted, or if I've even impacted anyone's
life really. But, if I died, I wonder how the 'world' would react?

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